A touching tale based on the author’s childhood experience. The narrative, revolving around a father-daughter relationship, adeptly relates the challenges of learning to ride a unicycle to the broader struggles in the father and daughter’s life. As the story unfolds, readers discover the family’s low-income status and the father’s journey to obtain his high school degree while navigating the responsibilities of single parenthood. Hovorka introduces many poignant moments, including her father’s graduation and subsequent disappointment at work resulting in him needing a second job, that showcase the harsh realities of financial struggles. The children adapt to his increased workload, with the daughter taking on more responsibilities at home. Schwab’s illustrations add a simple and realistic charm to the narrative. This book skillfully captures the emotions and challenges faced by the characters, making the story accessible and engaging for young readers.
A heartwarming story of family resilience and an empowering narrative about overcoming obstacles—a valuable addition to any collection. —School Library Journal