BOOK SALE AND SIGNING: Join Minnesota SCBWI as we support the LOFT in this first annual event. May 10—12, 2019, 10 am –5 pm.
May 6th : Picture Book Salon–Portfolios & Postcards with Alicia Schwab →
Come to the Picture Book Salon at the on May 6th to hear all about creating a Children’s Book Portfolio and what to include on your self-promotional postcard mailings. You will also hear about my book, THE MUKLUK BALL and get a sneak peek at my upcoming book, THE GOAT THAT ATE THE REMOTE.
Outdoor Book Events
With the release of my new picture book THE MUKLUK BALL, I
have been doing a large variety of events around the Midwest since mid-summer,
including outdoor events. As we know, the Midwest region offers a wide degree
of temperatures. One of my first events this summer was at Target Field Stadium
in Minneapolis–in which, I read my book to families in 95 degrees F. Later in December,
I read my book to families at the Holidazzle event in Loring Park (near
downtown Minneapolis) in only 27 degrees.
If you're doing an event outside when it is hot, it is important to wear sunscreen, drink lots of water, and pace yourself during time there.
When it’s cold be sure to wear fingerless gloves so you can turn the pages of
the book. Keep your presentation short so the audience doesn’t have to sit too
long. Pen and cameras can freeze in cold temperatures too and you may have to
warm them up before you can sign books or take photos. The Norwegians have a
saying, “"Det
finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær / There no such thing as
bad weather, only bad clothing.” In other words, prepare yourself, wear extra layers
and good boots. “TIP: Weather, like most things in life, is as bad as you make
it to be. Change your mind-set, buy a proper jacket and do not let the weather
stop you. You will feel as happy as a Norwegian.” (source)
I hope to see you at my next event!
November Drury Lane Books Newsletter
From the newsletter, WINTER AT DRURY LANE BOOKS, Garnd Marais, MN
Vol 24, November 2018
The Mukluk Ball — Katherine Johnson, illus. Alicia Schwab
3-year-old Grace loves dancing with her stuffed bear; he even has his own tutu. So this wintery Northwoods picture book of a Bear preparing for a Mukluk Ball was an instant hit. Bear learns to polka, tango, and chachacha...and then just has to figure out how to wake up from hibernation to attend the Ball!"
I love Indie's and this recommendation made my day! Grace is a girl after my own heart. I began dancing in the living room around 3-years-old. My parents bought a cassette tape of the Chieftains (Irish folk music) and when I heard that I couldn't stop myself. I had to cut a rug. Mind you, our living room was wall-to-wall shag carpeting. And if I shuffled my feet fast enough and touched the lamp...ZAP!–I could do static electricity experiments, as well! Keep on dancing, Grace!
Vol 24, November 2018
The Mukluk Ball — Katherine Johnson, illus. Alicia Schwab
3-year-old Grace loves dancing with her stuffed bear; he even has his own tutu. So this wintery Northwoods picture book of a Bear preparing for a Mukluk Ball was an instant hit. Bear learns to polka, tango, and chachacha...and then just has to figure out how to wake up from hibernation to attend the Ball!"
I love Indie's and this recommendation made my day! Grace is a girl after my own heart. I began dancing in the living room around 3-years-old. My parents bought a cassette tape of the Chieftains (Irish folk music) and when I heard that I couldn't stop myself. I had to cut a rug. Mind you, our living room was wall-to-wall shag carpeting. And if I shuffled my feet fast enough and touched the lamp...ZAP!–I could do static electricity experiments, as well! Keep on dancing, Grace!
The Mukluk Ball Dance Party
The Book Launch Party on November 17th, 2018 at The Red Balloon Bookshop for THE MUKLUK BALL, by Katharine Johnson and illustrated by Alicia Schwab 2018 Minnesota Historical Society Press. It was not only a success but a blast as well. The kids had a lot of fun. Katharine read the book to them and Alicia danced The Twist with Angela, sales associates. What a ball! We look forward to doing more events together.
Dance Like Nobody Is Watching
After a warm welcome we held our book event and had so much fun. Katharine read the story to the children and I got the kids to dance!
In the book, during the Mukluk Ball, Karhu the bear and Millie the do-si-do champion made up a new dance called The Bear Hug Twist. I showed the kids some dance moves and then I had them make up three dance moves to combine into our very own Bear Hug Twist. We twizzled and hopped, some in shoes and others in boots. The kids were great and now they are ready to dance with Karhu the bear.
The Mukluk Store is featured in THE MUKLUK BALL, Karhu the bear wants his own pair of Mukluks to wear to the Mukluk Ball. Karhu picks blueberries and sells them with bear hugs at the blueberry festival to earn money for his new boots. We were astounded by our own good fortune. Steger's was very generous and gave Katharine and I each a pair of boots! I have never had such nice, comfortable boots. And they were very supportive of our book. What a wonderful way to begin the long cold season with beautiful, warm mukluks!
Kid Tested. Kid Approved.
Today, Katharine Johnson and I signed our book, THE MUKLUK BALL. We sold out of books before the morning was over at the @MNHSPress booth during the MEA Convention #meamn18 for Minnesota teachers.
It has been such a blast working with Katharine and the Minnesota Historical Society Press on this book launch. Pre-order your copy here!
We got to meet and greet lots of great teachers today. Minnesota has many wonderful teachers and they are part of what makes this state a nice place to live. Thank you teachers for all your hard work and sharing THE MUKLUK BALL with your students!
It has been such a blast working with Katharine and the Minnesota Historical Society Press on this book launch. Pre-order your copy here!
We got to meet and greet lots of great teachers today. Minnesota has many wonderful teachers and they are part of what makes this state a nice place to live. Thank you teachers for all your hard work and sharing THE MUKLUK BALL with your students!
The Mukluk Ball, by Katharine Johnson and illustrated by Alicia Schwab
I am very excited to spill the beans! I've illustrated the picture book, THE MUKLUK BALL by Katharine Johnson to be released fall 2018.
It was a super, fun project! I danced and listened to a lot of music to fall into the rhythm of the book illustrations.