SCBWI Marvelous Midwest Conference

What a fantastic conference! The Marvelous Midwest Conference is a multi-region event that is held every three years. There were lots of great speakers and events. I volunteered as a Caricature Artist at the “Going to the Fair” party. I had a great manuscript and portfolio review. And I won Honorable Mention in the People’s Choice Award in the Art Show.

My friend/critique partner, Louise Aamodt won the manuscript contest for her picture book, FOREST FIRE!

My friend/critique partner, Louise Aamodt won the manuscript contest for her picture book, FOREST FIRE!


Three Mice won People’s Choice Award Honorable Mention in the Art Show.

Kid Tested. Kid Approved.

Today, Katharine Johnson and I signed our book, THE MUKLUK BALL. We sold out of books before the morning was over at the @MNHSPress booth during the MEA Convention #meamn18 for Minnesota teachers. 

It has been such a blast working with Katharine and the Minnesota Historical Society Press on this book launch. Pre-order your copy here!

We got to meet and greet lots of great teachers today. Minnesota has many wonderful teachers and they are part of what makes this state a nice place to live. Thank you teachers for all your hard work and sharing THE MUKLUK BALL with your students!

Mice Are Nice

I painted a series of mice going on an adventure in the woods. I grew up in the lush wooded hills of southern Wisconsin where spent many happy hours wandering the woods, building forts with my brother and sister. I love to the feel of earth between my toes.

In these paintings, I had a lot of fun with the mark making in the negative space.

Postcard Gallery

As the Illustrator Coordinator for SCBWI Minnesota, I created a Postcard Gallery for the SCBWI Minnesota illustrator members to showcase their postcards 4x/year!

This website gives participants the initiative to work on their marketing skills by submitting their postcards to the gallery up to four times a year.

The participants can increase traffic to their portfolio website by creating buzz on social media.

It's growing on me!

Spring has sprung here in Minnesota. And my new website ( is growing! If only it was as easy as planing a seed, watering, clearing the weeds and watching it grow. But it takes a lot more work than that to write, design and develop a website in CSS. My goal is to have it published by June, 2012. I am in do-or-die mode, now as the weeks are flying by. In the meantime, you can still review my work over at the old site: I am planning to leave it up for awhile in order to redirect people to the new URL.